Sunday, September 11, 2022

What Do You Need to Know About a Shariah Advisor?

If you're a Muslim, you may have heard that finding a shariah adviser is important to guide your financial life. But what exactly is a Shariah advisor? And do you need one? This article explains what they do and why they can help you.

Shariah Advisor

A Shariah advisor is someone who can guide you in understanding and following Islamic law. Shariah advisers do this by giving advice on matters that relate to your personal life, finances, and investments.

Shariah advisors can be people like imams or religious scholars (who are also called shuyukh), as well as lawyers and accountants who have studied Islamic law. 

The most important thing to remember is that the person should be qualified to give you advice on how to live your life according to Islam, so it's best not to use an expert whose knowledge comes only from studying the religion academically.

shariah adviser

What are the Qualities of a Shariah Advisor?

  • Knowledge of the Shariah
  • Knowledge of the specific industry
  • Knowledge of the financial markets
  • Understanding of the legal system and any regulations or compliance issues that may be relevant to your situation. 
  • For example, if you have a halal product and are doing business in a country where it is illegal to sell halal food, then you will need a different Shariah advisor than you would if there were no legal restrictions on producing halal products.
  • This can help build trust in an advisor among clients who may not fully understand what they're getting themselves into when working with someone based thousands of miles away!

What is the Role of the Shariah Advisor?

A Shariah advisor is not a financial advisor. Instead, he or she will help you with Islamic finance products and make sure they are compliant with the principles of sharia.

A shariah advisor may be a certified jurist, but it's also possible that they don't have any credentials (or only have some). That doesn't mean they're less qualified than someone who has certification—it just means that their expertise comes from other sources.

As we mentioned above, there are three main types of Islamic finance advisors: muftis (scholars), qadis (judges), and mudarrisin (teachers). Each one plays an important role in helping create compliant products for customers looking for them:

Muftis - This is probably the most common type of Shariah expert because anyone can become one through education and experience in Islamic law fields. Muftis interpret religious texts to help Muslims understand how their faith should influence their day-to-day lives and make decisions about things like diet, clothing choices, and even banking practices

Resources to Learn About Your Shariah Advisor

  • Find a reputable Islamic institution.
  • Ask about their experience and qualifications, and make sure the shariah advisers are qualified to help you with your specific needs.
  • Look for someone who has a good reputation in the community (and, if possible, ask other people who've worked with them).


We hope that this article has helped you to understand what a Shariah Advisor does and why it is important for you to find one. We also hope that by reading this post, you have found some useful resources for your own research and learning process!

Friday, September 9, 2022

How Shariah Adviser Helps Ethical Finance Users Choose the Right Investment Options

No one wants to make a bad investment choice, especially when it comes to matters of ethics. Thankfully, with the help of a shariah adviser, Muslims can find the most ethical and responsible ways to invest their money. 

Shariah advisers are experts in Islamic finance and can help Muslim investors choose products that comply with Islamic principles. By working with a shariah adviser, you can be sure that your investments reflect your values.

What Shariah adviser does?

A Shariah adviser is someone who knows Islamic law and can explain how to behave according to its teachings. They help their clients understand what Islamic laws say about different behaviors, as well as advise on daily life decisions. 

This could include helping a client with anything from saving for retirement to getting married. If someone wanted to invest in any type of product that was compliant with Islamic law, a shariah adviser would be needed.

shariah adviser

How it helps ethical finance users choose the right investment option 

Ethical finance company users should be guided by both their values and a faith-aligned perspective when making investment decisions. 

If your religion does not have clear instructions for certain matters, for example, whether interest is a prohibited type of income or whether you can use leverage to invest in bonds, then it will come down to what you think is best. 

Shariah advisers provide Muslim investors with knowledge and guidance on how to make wise investments according to the rules of Islam. They explain whether an investment option is Halal (permissible) or Haram (prohibited). 

A shariah adviser also ensures that investments don't conflict with Islamic law - say, by advising against investing in businesses where some shareholders may have invested before share prices were publicly known.

The benefits of using a Shariah adviser 

 There are many benefits to using a Shariah adviser. For starters, they can help you to understand and interpret Islamic law. This is especially useful if you are new to the faith or if you have questions about specific laws. 

They can also provide guidance on how to live a good Muslim life, including advice on prayer, fasting, and other religious practices. In addition, Shariah advisers can offer support and counseling on personal issues such as marriage, divorce, and family planning. 

While not everyone needs or wants a Shariah adviser, for those who do, they can be an invaluable source of guidance and support.

How to find a good Shariah adviser for your needs 

Choosing a good shariah adviser is a difficult task. A lot of people don't know how to look for one that's qualified, and some say that it might even be difficult to find one, but this doesn't have to be the case! 

You can find a reputable shariah adviser who has experience in this field by following these tips. One way you can do this is by searching online and looking for shariah advisers in your area. 

Look at their background, qualifications, past work history, etc., and see if they seem like someone you could trust with your investment portfolio. If not, keep looking until you find someone who meets all of the criteria on your list. 

One more thing to consider when choosing a shariah adviser is whether or not they charge an hourly rate or a flat fee per project; both types have their advantages so make sure you take them into account before making your decision.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Important Things To Know Before Applying For Sharia Bank Loans

If you're thinking of taking out a sharia bank loans, it's important to understand your rights and responsibilities as a borrower. Sharia law is the body of religious laws that govern the financial transactions of Muslims.

This means that if you choose to apply for a sharia bank loan or take out one in the future, it's important that you know how these rules relate to your specific situation and how they might impact your ability to access credit. 

Below are some things you should know about applying for and taking out loans from sharia banks:

How much you can borrow from a sharia bank depends on your income

In sharia banks, the level of credit you can get depends on your income and other factors.

For example, if you have a regular job and a good income history, then the sharia bank may allow you to borrow up to 85% of the property value. This is because they consider your salary as an important factor in deciding how much money they should lend to you.

However, if you have no formal employment history or an irregular income stream (for example self-employed), then they will most probably only allow 70% of the property value as the loan amount.

sharia bank loans

Many sharia banks require specific documents in order to apply for a loan.

When you are applying for sharia bank loans, one of the first things that you need to know is that many of them require specific documents and paperwork before they can give you a loan.

This means that even if your credit score is good and your financial statement looks good, you may still need additional information before they approve your loan application.

Some sharia banks require a detailed financial statement with proof of income or employment as well as collateral (such as real estate). 

Even if other banks would not ask for these things, it's important to remember that each bank has its own requirements when it comes to approving loans.

You have the right to reject an offer from a sharia bank loan.

  • You can reject an offer if you don't like the terms of the loan.
  • You can reject an offer if you don't like the interest rate on your loan.
  • You can reject an offer if you don't like how long it takes for repayment periods for your loans, or how much money is offered in total by each installment payment made during that time period (for example, $10 each month).


Sharia bank loans may be an excellent way to get a loan at a lower interest rate than conventional banks. 

However, it is important to know the terms of these loans before applying for one in order to avoid any surprises down the road. 

If you have any questions about what kind of financial assistance might work best for you, contact a local sharia bank loans representative today!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ways a Shariah Financial Planner Can Help You Meet Your Goals

Are you wondering how to invest your money according to shariah law? Do you want to be sure your assets are protected from unscrupulous business practices that aren't in line with shariah law? A shariah financial planner can help you find the answers and more. 

By working with a reputable planner, you can ensure that your investments are in line with religious principles and have the protection you need to sleep well at night. 

Here are some of the ways a shariah financial planner can help you meet your goals.

A Shariah Financial Planner Helps Design your Strategy

They can help you in numerous ways to set and reach your financial goals. The first step is to help you design your strategy. This will include understanding your unique circumstances, goals, and risk tolerance. With this information, the planner can develop a customized plan that takes into account both your short- and long-term needs. The planner will also consider any religious restrictions you may have in order to ensure that the plan is compatible with your beliefs.

A Shariah Financial Planner Helps Keep you on Track.

It can be difficult to keep track of your finances, especially if you have multiple goals you're trying to meet. They can help you stay organized and on track by providing a clear plan for your money. 

They can also offer guidance on how to best use your money to meet your goals, whether that's saving for retirement or buying a new home. Plus, they can help you stay accountable by tracking your progress and providing support along the way.


shariah financial planner



A Shariah Financial Planner Shows you What To Look For in Mutual Funds.

When it comes to investing in mutual funds, there are many things to consider. They can help you sort through all of the options and find the best choices for your portfolio. Here are some of the things a Shariah financial planner will look for: 

-The management team: A good management team is experienced and has a successful track record. 

-The fund's investment objectives: The fund should align with your investment goals. 

-Expenses: lower expense ratios mean more of your money goes into investments rather than fees. 

-Performance: A fund's performance should be monitored over time to ensure it meets your expectations. 

-Risk tolerance: Different investors have different risk tolerances.

A Shariah Financial Planner Discloses All Fees

If you're like most people, you probably think of financial planning as something that only wealthy people need. But the truth is, financial planning is for everyone. And if you're Muslim, there's an extra layer to consider: Shariah compliance.

A Shariah Financial Planner Opens Doors to New Opportunities

When you work with a Shariah financial planner, you're tapping into a wealth of knowledge and experience that can help you make the most of your money. A Shariah financial planner can help you find new opportunities for investment and growth that you may not have considered before.


If you're looking for help achieving your financial goals in a way that is consistent with your Islamic values, then you may want to consider working with a Shariah financial planner. A good Shariah financial planner will be able to help you assess your current situation, set goals, and develop a plan to achieve those goals. In addition, a Shariah financial planner can provide guidance on investments, insurance, and other financial products that are compatible with Islamic law. With their help, you can make sound financial decisions that will help you meet your short- and long-term goals.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Shariah Adviser: What You Need To Know About Shariah Compliant Finance

There are all sorts of financial products you can use to make your life easier and better, but which ones are Shariah compliant? As you know, Islamic finance, or shariah compliant finance, requires that products be ethical and have no interest rates or other unfair practices. So how do you know if the financial products you're looking at are Shariah compliant? You need to enlist the help of a shariah adviser. Below, we will discuss what exactly this entails and the perks of doing business with such an individual.

 Islamic finance

If you're looking for a Shariah adviser, you need to know about Islamic finance. Islamic finance is a system of financial regulations that complies with Shariah law. This means that businesses and individuals cannot engage in activities that are considered Haram or forbidden by Islam. This includes things like gambling, Riba (interest), and speculation.

 Sharia law

Sharia, or Islamic law, is a religious code of conduct that governs all aspects of Muslim life. Sharia dictates everything from how believers should pray and dress to what kinds of food they can eat and what kinds of financial transactions are permissible. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in sharia-compliant finance, which adheres to the principles of Islamic law. Sharia-compliant financial products are now available from a number of banks and other financial institutions around the world.

 Shariah-compliant finance

Also known as Islamic finance, Shariah-compliant finance is a system of financial practices that adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Islamic law, or Shariah. This type of finance is based on the belief that money should be used as a means of exchange rather than as a source of speculation or profit. As such, Shariah-compliant finance prohibits the charging of interest or riba. Instead, transactions are based on the principles of risk and reward sharing.

 The different types of Shari'ah advisers

There are many different types of Shari'ah advisers, each with their own area of expertise. Some specialize in investments, while others may focus on banking or insurance. Still, others may provide advice on business transactions or personal financial planning. No matter what type of adviser you choose, be sure to ask about their qualifications and experience.

The difference between a Shari'ah adviser and a conventional financial adviser (three sentences): A Shari'ah adviser is a specialist in Islamic finance who ensures that financial products and services are compliant with Shari'ah law


In conclusion, becoming a Shariah adviser is a process that requires Islamic legal knowledge as well as an understanding of the financial industry. It is important to have a firm grasp on both in order to provide clients with the best possible advice. With that said, it is also important to remember that the role of a Shariah adviser is ever-evolving, and so it is important to stay up-to-date with changes in both the law and the industry.

Monday, July 11, 2022

3 facts about sharia bank loans that you need to know

Shariah Adviser

If you’re looking for a sharia-compliant loan, you may have heard that it’s difficult to get approved or that the interest rates are very high. Neither of these things are true! Whether you’re buying a home, starting a business, or paying for your kids’ education, there are many good reasons to take out one of these loans. Here are 3 facts about Shariah Adviser that you need to know.

1) The definition of Sharia banking

Sharia banking is a system of banking or financial services based on the principles of Islamic law (Sharia). Sharia-compliant banking products are designed to avoid interest, which is prohibited under Sharia law. Instead of charging interest, Sharia banks make money by sharing profits and losses with their customers. It also means they don't provide any financial service for what has been deemed unethical investments. 

While there are many benefits for those who practice Islam, this type of banking may not be appropriate for everyone. For example, it doesn't allow for fixed rates. It's also worth noting that these practices can be more expensive in some cases because there's no ability to charge interest and profit margins are smaller than typical investments.

2) Why banks are turning to Sharia?

Banks are increasingly turning to Sharia-compliant products and services to meet the needs of their Muslim customers. Here are things you need to know about Sharia-compliant banking 

They can't invest in businesses like alcohol, gambling, pornography, tobacco or pork production 

A sizeable minority of Muslims use them because they are unable to invest in traditional banks because they have difficulty meeting the necessary conditions for a conventional loan. 

They generally have lower interest rates on savings accounts than traditional banks do. 

Sharia-compliant investments are called Takaful, which is based on social solidarity between participants. 

Islamic insurance products also exist and may be offered by your bank as an alternative to traditional life insurance policies.

Shariah Adviser

3) What is Sharia financing?

Sharia financing is a type of Islamic banking that follows the principles of Sharia, or Islamic law. This means that Sharia-compliant banks cannot charge interest on loans, as this is considered usury and is forbidden under Sharia. Instead, these banks typically use a system of murabahah, or cost-plus financing, in which the bank and the borrower agree on a purchase price for an item and the borrower then pays the bank back over time with interest. While more complicated than other types of financing, there are many benefits to this system, including low risk and no interest payments! 


Sharia-compliant banking is a rapidly growing industry, with assets estimated at over $2 trillion. And while there are many misconceptions about sharia-compliant finance, the reality is that it can be a great option for those looking for an alternative to traditional banking. What's more, as we'll explore in this post, some of these misconceptions might have been perpetuated by media reporting on negative incidents involving Islamic banks. What should I do if I'm considering opening a sharia-compliant account? Talk to your local banker or broker and get all of your questions answered first before deciding what sharia bank loans will be best for you and your family.

Source: 3 facts about sharia bank loans that you need to know

Monday, July 4, 2022

5 Qualities Your Shariah Financial Planner Should Possess

Shariah Adviser

Since the introduction of Islamic finance in various regions, there has been a rise in the number of people who are seeking Shariah financial planners. This is a good thing since you can now have access to professional advice when it comes to your investments and savings plans. However, not all Shariah financial planners are equal. There are some qualities that set them apart from others and make them stand out as experts and leaders in their field. Here are five qualities that you should look for when hiring a Shariah financial planner:

Should have a comprehensive understanding of Shariah

Shariah is a set of Islamic legal guidelines that define what is permissible and what is forbidden in Islam. In the context of finance, Shariah-compliant investments follow their religious laws and do not involve any interest or gambling. It's important to note that Shariah does not restrict Muslims from making non-Shariah compliant investments, but it does advise them to choose wisely when selecting investment options. Your financial planner should be able to explain how they will implement Shariah principles into your portfolio by providing you with an overview of the process for selecting suitable companies that adhere to Islamic principles.

Should be aware of the current market developments and their implications

Your Shariah Adviser should be aware of the current market developments and their implications. It is important for you to know how to use these developments in your advantage, and how to assess your situation. Knowing what instruments will help you achieve your goals is important as well.

Needs to know how to use these developments in your advantage

It is important for your financial planner to know how to use the tools available to you and make the most of them. They should be able to review your investments and find out what your current savings are worth, as well as plan out how much money you need in order for them to reach their goals. A good shariah adviser will also be able to use their knowledge in order for you get the best deals on things such as mortgages, loans and credit cards.

Shariah Adviser

Should be able to assess your situation and provide you with the best plan

  • Should be able to assess your situation and provide you with the best plan
  • Should be able to provide you with a roadmap
  • Should be able to provide you with a plan
  • Should be able to provide you with a strategy
  • Should be able to provide you with an action plan

Should be able to choose the right instruments for you

  • Should be able to choose the right instruments for you:
  • Can provide you with the best plan:
  • Should be able to assess your situation and provide you with the best plan:
  • Must be able to use these developments in your advantage.


In conclusion, a Shariah financial planner should be able to understand the market and use it for your advantage. The market is volatile but with the right tools and knowledge, you can manage risk and have a higher chance of success.

Source: 5 Qualities Your Shariah Financial Planner Should Possess

What Do You Need to Know About a Shariah Advisor?

If you're a Muslim, you may have heard that finding a shariah adviser is important to guide your financial life. But what exactly is a ...